KDM rice is long grain fragrant rice with an average length of over 7.0mm. The average growth time of KDM rice is 6 months, so it gives the quality of rice is very delicious, sweet and fragrant when cooked. The major growing area is KDM rice in the border areas of Vietnam and Cambodia.

ST21 (RVT)

ST21 rice has a slim, small, grain length of about 6.8mm. ST21 rice is enjoyed by consumers because of its high plasticity, sweet rice, and natural aroma. Moreover, ST21 rice is still delicious after cooling. Consumers who prefer plasticity choose ST21 rice as a top choice. A remarkable feature of ST21 rice is that it lasts for a long time about 5-6 months (well preserved) the aromatic plasticity in rice basically retains itself well.

Nàng Hoa

Nang Hoa rice has a fragrant, soft, sweet and soft rice flavor, is a famous specialty in the Southwest region. Flower rice has easy-to-identify characteristics such as clear white rice (clear white rice), or opaque white (milky rice), a bit large and long, has a gentle, long-lasting aroma. The high quality Nang Hoa Rice has a mild sweetness, so when cooked into rice, the rice grain is more delicious and flexible, the rice has a good texture, does not clump, to cool still not hard or difficult to eat. High content of calcium and iron, the rice cooked from the flower rice will provide more energy for people to eat.

Japonica (DS1)

Japonica rice (DS1) began to be popular in Vietnam starting from 2015. Japonica rice round, flexible rice due to its lower amylose content and containing amylopectin, when cooked white cotton, stretched round like pearl beads. Japonica rice cooks up a lot of plasticity, with toughness, softness, strong rice flavor, natural sweetness and lots of nutrition.

Jasmine 85

Jasmine rice is a fragrant rice with a short growing time (also known as short-term rice). Jasmine rice is now widely planted, occupying the largest area of ​​the total rice area. Because jasmine rice is high in yield and value.– Rice sown from Jasmine 85 rice variety (IR 841-85 hybrids) was bred from the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). Entered Vietnam in 1992 and is widely produced in the Mekong Delta provinces. Biological Characteristics Jasmine Rice Varieties 85 – Jasmine rice is a short-term rice variety with a growing time of 95-100 days (varies with the season) .– Long grain rice, clear, no silver – Good quality rice, meeting export standards.

Đài Thơm 8

Dai Thom 8 was researched and bred from a cross between a mother variety of BVN and a father of OM 4900 (BVN / OM4900). After 4 years and 8 cases, SSC’s author team chose to create CT286 -17-1-1-1 successfully, after being purified, this line was coded and named Dai Thom 8.Specific Especially, the characteristics of rice that meet the export standards such as elongated, clear, and unkempt rice grains, with 16.29% amilose content, are very eye-catching. Delicious, sticky rice has a light aroma, especially to keep it supple.


OM 5451 rice from OM 5451 rice source, belonging to a pure rice variety, selected from the Jasmine 85 / OM2490 hybrid, was recognized as a national rice variety by the Science and Technology Council of the Ministry of Agriculture on 23rd / 23rd. 6/2011, popularly planted in the Mekong Delta region with high yield with quality rice for export standards.Especially rice characteristics 5451:

  • 5451 long grain of rice (about 6.6 mm), less gray, Slightly milky milky color.
  •  Medium and soft, cool rice will not get hard.
  •  Weight of 1000 grains 5451 average: 25 – 26g.


504 rice is IR50404 rice, which is grown mainly by farmers in the Mekong Delta. This is also considered the most famous rice in this area, especially Tien Giang province, 504 rice is used by many people because of its low price, affordability and moderate income. , you can distinguish through their shape and characteristics. In terms of shape, 504 rice has a gourd shape. In terms of characteristics, the 504 rice after cooking makes the rice blooming and dry.
